Dusky Leaf Monkeys or Dusky Langurs
Its scientific name is Trachypithecus obscurus. It has 6 types.
This species happens in Malaysia (troughout the Malay Peninsula alongside a couple of little adjoining islands), southern Myanmar (counting the Mergui Archipelago), and southwestern Thailand (counting nearby islands). It is discovered north to 15°10'n in Myanmar and Thailand (Groves 2001).
T. o. obscurus
Found on Peninsular Malaysia, north to about Perlis (Groves 2001).
T. o. flavicauda
Found in northern Peninsular Malaysia, southern Myanmar (counting James, Kisseraing, and King Islands in the Mergui Archipelago) and southwestern Thailand (counting Koh Lak Island). On the territory found from Perlis north to the northern outskirt of the species' reach (Groves 2001).
T. o. halonifer
Confined to Penang Island, Malaysia (Groves 2001).
T. o. carbo
Found off the western shore of Malaysia and Thailand, particularly on Terutao and Dayang Bunting Islands, and on Langkawi Island (Malaysia) (Groves 2001).
T. o. styx
Happens on East Perhentian Island and, potentially, neighboring eastern beachfront Malaysia (Groves 2001).
T. o. seimundi
Happens on Phangan Island (Pennan Island), Thailand; might potentially happen in neighboring eastern Thailand also (Groves 2001).
T. o. sanctorum
Confined to Zadetkyi Kyun (St. Matthew Island) in the Mergui Archipelago (Myanmar) (Groves 2001)
On the territory, at five locales studied (Kuala Lompat, Pasoh, Sungai Kenyam, Ulu Sebol, and Lesong) the thickness was assessed 1.8-7.3 gatherings/km2, with a normal gathering size of 14. A populace at Khao Lommuak (11°49'n) numbered 80 people in a range of 0.5 km2. The populace status of a few of the isolated structures (Penang, Langkawi, Dayang Bunting, Terutau, East Perhentian, Pennan) is indistinct, however most are attempted to be steady
Dusky Leaf Monkeys or Dusky Langurs
Reviewed by Ali Hamza

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