Flam, Perfect for the Painting - Most Amazing and Beautiful
Flåm is a town in Flåmsdalen, at the inward end of the Aurlandsfjorden—a limb of Sognefjorden. The town is spotted in the region of Aurland in Sogn og Fjordane district, Norway.
The name Flåm is reported as ahead of schedule as 1340 as Flaam. It is inferred from the plural dative type of the Old Norse word flá signifying "plain, level parcel", and it alludes to the surge fields of the Flåm River. ("A plain between soak mountains" is the toponomy of the reference book Store Norske Leksikon.)
In 1670 Flåm Church was assembled.
In 1923 the development of the Flåm Line was financed by parliament. (In 1908, the choice to assemble the line was made.)
In 1942 common operation of (steam controlled) trains began on the Flåm Line.
"In the 1960s, journey boats stayed on the fjord" [without arriving at the port], as per Dagens Næringsliv.
In 2000, the "new wharf" was alluded to in an administration archive. ("The dock was constructed at the door to the new thousand years", as per Dagens Næringsliv.
The town of Flåm has since the late nineteenth century been a visitor objective. It at present gets very nearly 450,000 guests a year. Most ride the 20-kilometer (12 mi) Flåm Line in the middle of Flåm and Myrdal, one of the steepest track tracks at 1 in 18 (not including rack lines) on the planet. There are additionally a couple of spirals. A previous rail station assembling in Flåm now houses a gallery devoted to the Flåm line.
The harbor of Flåm gets around 160 voyage ships for every year.
In a 2005 Bergens Tidende article Kjetil Smørås (a lodging chief and executive of Fjord Norge said that "The journey activity dirties more than a few ten a huge number of autos, and a considerable lot of the most exceedingly terrible boats cruise up here (...) voyage travelers trod down the immaculate Norwegian nature, and obliterate the establishment for Vestlandet's four passages on Unesco's World Heritage records".
In 2009 Jens Riisnæs (a creator and NRK columnist) said "We have the world's most delightful country, we don't have to take after voyage administrators' premisser. They can run different spots with their contaminating boats. It is undesirable commotion."
In 2009 Dagens Næringsliv said that a report via Vestlandsforskning says that both "Flåm and Geiranger are nearing a point of confinement in limit. It may be an option and rather stand forward as a «relaxed», restrictive and to some degree to a lesser extent a mass tourism, voyage goal."
In a 2014 Dagens Næringsliv article an agriculturist said that "At one time the odor of summer was that of grass that had been cut. Presently it is tungolje" ["heavy-oil"] Furthermore, "They discuss angle that has disappered from the fjord. In Norway voyage boats are allowed to dump over the edge their greywater in the postcard-thin fjord-arms. Moreover the news article says that defacation openly by voyagers, is now an issue; the town has one open latrine, and 200 000 sightseers are normal in the mid year season.
In 2014 an educator i reiseliv (Arvid Viken) said that "it is in regards to time this tourism is evalaluated sort of all the more temperately, than the assessments done in numerous districts for a few years". Besides, this tourism "has low benefit for every traveler, except frequently it is connected with respectable expenses for the municipal administrations.
Flam, Perfect for the Painting - Most Amazing and Beautiful
Reviewed by Ali Hamza

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