Glass Window Bridge ... Where the Caribbean meets the Atlantic in Eleuthera, Bahamas
Eleuthera is one of a few islands that exists in the archipelago in The Bahamas, around 80 km east of the capital city Nassau. It is long – around 180 km – and slight - just around 1.6 km wide in spots. The light blue waters of the shallow Caribbean Sea on one side of the island distinct difference a conspicuous difference to the profound blue of the Atlantic Ocean a great many feet inside and out. One of the best places to see this remarkable juxtaposition is at the Glass Window Bridge.
The Glass Window Bridge is around two miles east of Upper Bogue and joins Gregory Town and Lower Bogue at the narrowest point on the island. It is one of the few places on earth where you can hope to measure up the rich blue waters of the Atlantic Ocean on one side of the street and the quiet turquoise-green waters of the Exuma Sound (Caribbean Sea) on the other side, differentiated by a portion of rock only 30 feet wide.
Over the common rock connect, a cement span has been constructed that interfaces the northern and southern purposes of Eleuthera by a cleared street. The Glass Window Bridge is a standout amongst the most gone to places in the island.
For a long time, there was a characteristic stone extension association in the middle of north and south Eleuthera. At that point in the 1940's, few sea tempests joined to decimate the area scaffold and the cement extension was fabricated as substitution. For a long time, this scaffold was kept useful by intermittent repairs, yet in 1992 and 1999 storm created noteworthy harm to the extension. After the 1999 Hurricane Floyd, basically nothing of the first Glass Window Bridge remained. Despite the fact that the extension was repaired and Queen's Highway re-joined inside a couple of months, the topography of Eleuthera was changed for eternity. Much after 10 years, laborers stay caught up with strengthening the shoreline so as to re-clear the extremely disintegrated black-top.
One ought to take incredible consideration when going to the Glass Window Bridge and the encompassing precipice regions. Rebel waves have been known to arrive out of the blue and wash over the scaffold and adjacent bluffs. Since there are no quick reefs along the sea side to split these rebel waves as they arrive, the waves can hit with incredible compel and have been known to wash individuals out into the sea, as well as vehicles also.
Area is experiencing nonstop disintegration from the energy of water that pounds from towering statures. On the left, approaching the extension from the south, is a blow opening that retches water phenomenally high, alluding to the force of the water beneath.
Glass Window Bridge ... Where the Caribbean meets the Atlantic in Eleuthera, Bahamas
Reviewed by Ali Hamza

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