Gaiola Island, Naples, Italy - Most Amazing and Beautiful
Gaiola Island, Naples, Italy - Most Amazing and Beautiful
Naples Gaiola island, is one of the smaller islands of Italy. It is on the coast of Posillipo, water park Gaiola, is named MPAs.The island (cavea America, "small cave" and then "of Caviola" dialect) takes its name from the cavity that is dispersed in the coast of Posillipo. Originally a small Euplea island, known as the protector of safe operation, which was the site of a small temple.
The island can be reached by swimming the number of strokes, it is very near the coast. Originally, it is in response to the instruction LĂșculo artificially was only an extension of the opposite layer, are supposed to separate only later.
After two centuries, the island served as a battery for the defense of the Bay of Naples, on the one hand, the fact of the island in the 17th century, the Roman factory dispersed.
In the early 19th century, the island hermit nicknamed "Magician" who lived on the charity of fishermen lived. Soon after, the island is occupied today, Norman Douglas, the author of the siren land that saw the construction of a villa that was once owned. There was a cable car, which is connected to the island to the mainland in the 1920s.
Naples population I'm thinking, "" hidden "damn lucky restless island" its beauty and Gaiola, and. Reputation, was the point of often premature death of its owner. For example, in the 1920s, he was found dead, wrapped in blankets Switzerland Hans Brown, belongs, a little later, his wife drowned in the sea. The next owner was Otto Grunback, of Germany, who died of a heart attack while staying at the villa. A similar fate, the pharmaceutical entrepreneur Maurice Ivusando who committed suicide in a mental hospital in Switzerland, it happened. The subsequent owner, the iron and steel industry in Germany, is Baron Karl Paul Langheim, it has been dragged into economic ruin by wildlife. The island also, Gianni Agnelli's death received many relatives, and resist the kidnapping Paul Getty's grandson, who belongs to me. The last private owner of the island was Gianpasquale Concord, who has been imprisoned. Newspaper was after the murder of his wife Giovanna Sacco who owned villa facing the island Franco Ambrosio, again talking to 2009 for the "curse Gaiola".
Gaiola Island, Naples, Italy - Most Amazing and Beautiful
Reviewed by Ali Hamza

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