Innerdal Tower , Romsdal , Norway
The valley is normally gone to by mountain climbers. A portion of the mountains incorporate Store Trolla (1,850 meters or 6,070 feet, most noteworthy in Trollheimen), Skarfjellet (1,790 meters or 5,870 feet), and Innerdalstårnet (1,452 meters or 4,764 feet). For glacial mass climbing, there is an ice sheet on top of Kongskrona called Vinnufonna.
In 2001, Norsk Tindeklub (Norwegian Mountaineering Association) discharged a mountain guide for Innerdalen (in Norwegian) and they additionally have a private lodge, Giklingdalshytta, underneath the mountain Innerdalstårnet. The Norwegian Mountain Touring Association has two lodges in the valley, Innerdalshytta (initially constructed 1889).
Innerdal Tower , Romsdal , Norway
Reviewed by Ali Hamza

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