The Indian bullfrog
Hoplobatrachus tigerinus, the Indus Valley bullfrog or Indian bullfrog, mainstream name Asian bullfrog, Asean bullfrog or Asia bullfrog, is an expansive types of frog found in Myanmar, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Nepal.
Vomerine teeth in two in number slanted arrangement initiating from the inward front point of the choanae; lower jaw with two not exceptionally unmistakable hard methodologies in front. Head moderate; Snout pretty much pointed; canthus rostralis coldhearted; nostril a little closer to the end of the mouth than to the eye; interorbital space narrower than the upper eyelid; tympanum different, around two thirds the span of the eye. Fingers rather short, first amplifying past second; toes moderate, harsh, about completely webbed ; an abundantly created membranaceous periphery along the fifth toe; sub-articular tubercles moderate; inward metatarsal tubercle extremely variable, little and obtuse, or (var. ceylanica, Ceylon and S. India) about the length of the internal toe, unequivocally layered, sickle formed, scoop molded; no external tubercle, a tarsal fold. Tibio-tarsal enunciation arriving at the ear, the eye, or a little past. Skin of once more with longitudinal folds; a solid crease over the tympanum. Green or olive above, with dull spots; regularly a light vertebral line. Male with two subgular vocal sacs, arresting remotely by folds of the skin on the sides of the throat; these locales by and large blackish.
It is basically sea-going, and is said, to bounce over the surface of the water much in the same route as ashore when panicked,
The Indian bullfrog
Reviewed by Ali Hamza
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